April 2024

1. We had about two dozen folks and lots of beer.

2. BaltiBrew’s Brübakes will be this Sunday April 21, 2-4 PM at Checkerspot Brewing.

3. Our food+beer pairing will be on Saturday May 18 at the home of Rob and Lisa Kiernan. All members and significant others are welcome to attend whether or not they compete. See the following Google document for time and address, and to sign up.

4. Maryland Homebrew will host Big Brew on Saturday May 4. Electrical hookups are sparse, and there is no 240V. Some food will be provided, and folks are welcome to bring more.

5. The Guild summer picnic will be on Saturday June 1, noon-dusk, at Patapsco Valley State Park, Hollofield area, shelter #300. Pot luck food. There will be a hedonistic homebrew contest.

6. MASHOUT will be August 15-18 at the same Cumberland location.

7. Annapolis Homebrew Club’s Pints4Paws will be on Saturday June 15, 2-6 PM, at the Navy stadium, 550 Taylor Ave, Annapolis. Check https://annapolishomebrewclub.com/pints4paws/ and https://www.facebook.com/PintsforPaws for updates. CRABS now has 2 jockey boxes so we can have up to 10 kegs on tap. If you serve beer you get in free.

8. The Maryland Craft Beer Festival will be at noon on Saturday May 11 at Carroll Creek Park in Frederick. See https://app.tickethive.com/e/maryland-craft-beer-festival-presented-by-visit-fr/tickets for tickets. Charm City Meadworks could use pourers; contact Les at lesbrews at gmail dot com (free admission for working a shift).

9. Les’s brewery Mystique Barrel Brewing and Lager House is still in the works and hopes to open in June or July at Suspended Brewing’s old location.

10. The Maryland Microbrewery Festival will be on Saturday September 28 at Union Mills Homestead. Homebrew contest will be limited to British styles, and entries are limited to 100.

11. This month’s competition was Heavy Seas Powder Monkey clone. There were 15 entries. Former CRABSter and current Heavy Seas employee Kurt Krol judged. Winners were:

  • 5th – Joe O’Keefe
  • 4th – Ed Shea
  • 3rd – Bob Baroncinni
  • 2nd – Jevon Gordon
  • 1st – Tom D’Asto

12. Next meeting: Wednesday May 15. Competition will be same grain / same hop. See https://www.crabsbrew.org/competition_schedule for rules.

13. Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information. The 2024 CRABS competition schedule is at http://www.crabsbrew.org/competition_schedule


April, 2024