1) Our holiday party had a great showing, with lots of great food and beer, as well as a 750 swap and beer donations for the Heavy Seas folks.
2) CRABS won the club table competition at the Guild holiday party for the second year in a row, this time with the theme “Beer – breakfast of champions”. Also, the Guild raised about $7000 for various charities.
3) In case you missed it last month: Les will again be teaching a BJCP course. It will run on Sundays around 2 PM from late February / early March until sometime in May. Cost will be about $100. If you’re interested, email Joe at jfo363@verizon.net.
4) 2017 dues are due. $25 for individuals and $40 for families. See Don.
5) We held our annual “election”, where officers were unanimously “voted” to remain in place:
President – Joe O’Keefe
Vice President – Jeff Adelsberger
Secretary – Ben Schwalb
Treasurer – Don Zwach
Guild rep – Rob Kiernan (with Greg Thompson as backup)
6) Watch for the National Homebrew Competition announcement in February.
7) Black Flag Brewing will be having a homebrew contest in February. See the JPEG at http://crabsbrew.org/sites/default/files/black.jpg for details. Ben emailed the JPEG to everyone in case the link doesn't work.
8) The 2017 CRABS homebrew competition schedule is available at http://crabsbrew.org/competition_schedule
9) CRABS Brewer of the Year awards were handed out. Winners were:
5th– Bob Mosier
4th (tie) – Rob Farrell
4th (tie) – Tim Paulin
3rd – Craig Bryant
2nd – Rob Kiernan
1st – Zach Keim
10) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.
December, 2016