December 2016

1) Our holiday party had a great showing, with lots of great food and beer, as well as a 750 swap and beer donations for the Heavy Seas folks.
2) CRABS won the club table competition at the Guild holiday party for the second year in a row, this time with the theme “Beer – breakfast of champions”.  Also, the Guild raised about $7000 for various charities.
3) In case you missed it last month: Les will again be teaching a BJCP course.  It will run on Sundays around 2 PM from late February / early March until sometime in May.  Cost will be about $100.  If you’re interested, email Joe at
4) 2017 dues are due.  $25 for individuals and $40 for families.  See Don.
5) We held our annual “election”, where officers were unanimously “voted” to remain in place:
President – Joe O’Keefe
Vice President – Jeff Adelsberger
Secretary – Ben Schwalb
Treasurer – Don Zwach
Guild rep – Rob Kiernan (with Greg Thompson as backup)
6) Watch for the National Homebrew Competition announcement in February.
7) Black Flag Brewing will be having a homebrew contest in February.  See the JPEG at for details.  Ben emailed the JPEG to everyone in case the link doesn't work.
8) The 2017 CRABS homebrew competition schedule is available at
9) CRABS Brewer of the Year awards were handed out.  Winners were:
5th– Bob Mosier
4th (tie) – Rob Farrell
4th (tie) – Tim Paulin
3rd – Craig Bryant
2nd – Rob Kiernan
1st – Zach Keim
10) Go to for CRABS-related information.


December, 2016