1) Great showing tonight. Lots of folks, food, and beer. We donated more than a case of beer to the Heavy Seas folks. Also, Les brought lots of glassware for folks to take home.
2) Get your 2019 dues to Don Zwach. $25 for individuals and $40 for couples.
3) CRABS took 3rd at the Guild holiday party club table competition out of 11 participating clubs. We were only a few points away from winning. We always make a great showing. Thanks to Jeff Adelsberger for taking the lead, and Joel Gallihue for bringing his band.
4) We will pour beer once again at the annual Brewers Ball in March 2019 at the Builders Museum in DC. If interested, contact Joe at jfo363@verizon.net.
5) The 2018 brewers of the year were:
5th – Joe O’Keefe
4th – Rob Kiernan
3rd – Craig and Rachel Szczesiul
2nd – Zach Keim
1st – Bob Mosier
Medals will be given out in January.
6) Our board members for 2019 will remain:
President - Joe O’Keefe
Vice President - Jeff Adelsberger
Secretary - Ben Schwalb
Treasurer - Don Zwach
Guild rep - Rob Kiernan
7) The Guild party had a record 300+ attendees and raised a record $10,000+ for charities.
8) Next meeting: Wednesday January 16. Competition will be session beers (no more than 4.5% ABV).
9) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information. The 2019 competition schedule is not up yet but will eventually be available at http://crabsbrew.org/competition_schedule
10) See http://crabsbrew.org/Other_Competitions for a list of upcoming local homebrew competitions.
December, 2018