1) Get your 2016 club dues to Don. They are $25 for individuals and $40 for families.
2) Let Joe (joenlisa@okeefe.net) or Jeff (jeffade@mac.com) know if you want to help with planning for Club Night at the National Homebrewers Conference. We will do the watermen theme that we did at the Guild holiday party. Club Night will be Friday; we’ll have all day to set up and can clean up Friday late or Saturday morning. All Maryland clubs will be put in the same area (we hope). We should form an NHC committee to discuss what we need to do for setting up the club table, get a tally of how many kegs/bottles we’re bringing, etc.
3) There is interest in doing a road trip to Philly on March 5 to hit pubs and drop off National Homebrew Contest entries. If you’d like to go, or have your entries dropped off, contact Joe at joenlisa@okeefe.net
4) The BS Contest probably saw its final year. Results are at http://benbrew.com/BS/2016/2016bswinners.html
5) Upcoming events:
- ·Duclaw AHA rally: February 20, 1-4 PM.
- ·Ales Through the Ages: March 18-20. See http://www.cvent.com/events/ales-through-the-ages/event-summary-e6b884998579482fad8ed01d723279fd.aspx
- ·Registration opens for NHC: March 8.
- ·MALT’s bus trip to Richmond: March 19. Email hopheadguy@gmail.com for info.
- ·DC Homebrewers Cherry Blossom competition: March 26. See http://www.dchbcompetition.com
- ·Annapolis Beer Week: April 1-8. See http://www.annapolisbeerwk.com
- ·Annapolis Homebrew Club’s Pints for Paws: April 8. See http://www.annapolisbeerwk.com/events/pints-for-paws
- ·BURP’s Spirit of Free Beer: Second week of April.
- ·Beer conference in Lucketts VA: Sometime in April. Joel will get more info.
- ·Big Brew at MDHB: May 7.
- ·Guild picnic: May 28.
- ·NHC: June 9-11 (with pre-con events for a few days before).
- ·MASHOUT: August 18-21.
- ·Guild crab feast: September 17.
- ·Union Mills fest: September 24.
- ·Baltimore Beer Week: October 7-16.
- ·Das Best Oktoberfest: October 8.
- ·Guild holiday party: December 3.
6) This month’s competition was English and Scottish ales. There were 12 entries. Winners were:
5th – JD Oltman
4th – Judy Neff
3rd – Joe O’Keefe
2nd – Zach Keim
1st – Bryan Fleming
7) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information. The 2016 CRABS competition schedule is at http://crabsbrew.org/competition_schedule
February, 2016