June 2015

1) Congratulations are in order for Glenn Quinting, who won 3rd place overall in the final round of the National Homebrew Competition in category 1 (Standard American Beer).  See all results at https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/competitions/national-homebrew-competition/winners/
2) Congratulations are also in order for Rob Farrell, Joe O’Keefe, and Rob Kiernan, who all won ribbons in FOAM’s Battle of the Bubbles.  Rob Farrell got a 1st and a 2nd, Joe got three 2nds and a 3rd, and Rob Kiernan got a 3rd.  See all results at http://bob.brewcomp.com/ .  Also, Barley and Hops’s beer that was brewed from Rob Farrell’s recipe for his Best of Show beer from last year’s competition might still be on tap.
3) CRABS also had a great showing at the Guild picnic wheat beer competition.  Mike Stuppy won the judged competition and Ben Schwalb won the people’s choice.
4) Several CRABSters attended the National Homebrewers Conference in San Diego and also visited some breweries.  Some of them brought some Russian River beers to share at the meeting.  Next year’s NHC will be in Baltimore!  Woot woot!  Ben Schwalb created a web page of his experiences in San Diego at both the conference and the breweries he visited.  See http://www.benbrew.com/SanDiego/2015/sandiego.html
5) We might want to think about our theme for the Guild holiday party.  There is a document floating around somewhere with many ideas; it will surely appear again.  Whichever theme we choose could also be used on Club Night at next year’s NHC.
6) The next Beer and Bikes is scheduled for July 12.  Time and place TBD.
7) The Montgomery County Agricultural Fair Homebrew Competition is coming this summer.  Entry deadline is the end of July.  See http://mcaf.brewcomp.com/ for details.
8) The second annual Hometown Brewdown will be held on Saturday July 25 in Catonsville.  It benefits the Catonsville Cooperative Market.  Contact blankben@hotmail.com for info.  See http://catonsvillecoop.com/ for information about the co-op.
9) MASHOUT will be held on August 20-23.  Sign up at http://www.campmashout.com before July 23 to pay only $50; after that the price goes up.  This year’s CRABS food competition will be canned seafood.
10) Crabs4CRABS will happen on Sunday September 13.  More details to follow in the coming months.
11) This month’s competition was Iron Brewer.  Each beer had to have at least 2 of the following: hazelnut, dates, coffee.  There were 5 entries.  Winners were:
5th – Joel Gallihue for his coffee/date porter/stout
4th – Judy Neff for her coffee/date dubbel
3rd – Glenn Quinting for his coffee/hazelnut American brown
2nd – Craig Bryant for his coffee/hazelnut porter
1st – Rob Farrell for his hazelnut/coffee stout
12) Next meeting: Wednesday 7/15.  Competition will be wheat and rye beers.
13) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.  The 2015 CRABS competition schedule is at http://crabsbrew.org/2015_competition_schedule


June, 2015