1) On March 4, 10 CRABSters poured kegs of homebrew at the DC Brewer’s Ball. It was well received by the crowd. The event raised $276,000 for cystic fibrosis. We might get a mention in the July issue of Zymurgy.
2) We’re hoping to put together a trip to Asheville NC on September 15-18. Let Joe (jfo363@verizon.net) know if you’re interested.
3) MALT will be running a bus trip to Eastern Shore breweries on April 1. Breweries include RaR, Burley Oak, and Eastern Shore Brewing. Go to maltbus.brownpapertickets.com for details and to buy tickets.
Click on “Enter a Password or Discount Code” and enter the password "maltbus" to get a $10 discount.
Click on “Enter a Password or Discount Code” and enter the password "maltbus" to get a $10 discount.
4) We hope to do another food-beer pairing in May, possibly on the 20th. Either Rob F. or Trevor will host.
5) Crabs4CRABS will be held on Sunday September 10.
6) The Maryland Craft Beer Festival will be held on May 13 in Frederick. If you don’t want to drive, buses will be providing round-trip transportation from several breweries. Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maryland-craft-beer-festival-tickets-31967674174?aff=erelexpmlt for tickets.
7) Several CRABSters will be going to HomebrewCon in June. Go to https://www.eiseverywhere.com/ereg/index.php?eventid=202360& to register. The Guild will ship a pallet of kegs to the conference. If you’d like one of your kegs to be on that pallet, contact Rob K. (rmkst16@yahoo.com). Also, if you’re looking for someone to carpool or share a hotel room with, see the spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uvZY9hp73-Ct6neH94nzCIox948D3xO9yhIp868xzeg/edit#gid=0
8) Upcoming homebrew competitions:
·3/25: DC Homebrewers Club Cherry Blossom Competition. Entry registration is closed but if you want to judge or steward, go to http://www.dchbcompetition.com/register/judge
·4/7 – 4/8: BURP’s Spirit of Free Beer. Registration is open. See http://sofb.brewcomp.com/
·Fall: FBI’s Battle of Fredericksburg. Club website: http://www.fredhomebrew.org/
See http://crabsbrew.org/Other_Competitions for a more comprehensive list.
9) Big Brew will be on Saturday 5/6. Maryland Homebrew will hold its annual multi-club event in the back parking lot.
10) The Guild summer picnic will be on Saturday 6/3, noon-dusk, at Patapsco State Park, Hollofield area, shelter 300.
11) Nominations for the Guild Team Spirit Award are due by Monday March 20. Email Rob K. (rmkst16@yahoo.com) with your nominations.
12) This month’s competition was brown ales. There were 8 entries. Winners were:
5th– Zach Keim
4th – Bryan Franz
3rd – Bob Mosier
2nd – Craig and Rachel
1st – Andy Naviosky
13) Next month’s competition is same grain / same hop. See http://crabsbrew.org/same_grain_and_hops for details. Some hops in the recipe might not be available – if so you can substitute Galaxy or Azacca.
14) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.
March, 2017