1) A well-attended meeting and many good beers. There were even 3 women.
2) The Beer, Bourbon and Barbecue fest will be this weekend. See http://www.beerandbourbon.com/maryland/show-info
3) Big Brew will be on Saturday 5/3 at MDHB. If you plan to brew, please register at http://www.mdhb.com/events.php
4) The Beer Bacon Music fest will be in Frederick on 5/17 and 5/18. See http://beerbaconmusic.com
5) BURP’s Spirit of Free Beer will be held on Saturday 5/17. Entries are due on 4/1. See http://brew.burp.org/Events/SpiritofFreeBeer2014.aspx
6) There will be an AHA rally at Heavy Seas on Sunday 5/18.
7) The Maryland Craft Beer Fest will be held in Frederick on Saturday 5/31. See http://www.mdcraftbeerfestival.com
8) Trevor will host the annual food/beer pairing on Sunday 6/1.
9) The Guild picnic will be on Saturday 6/7 at Patapsco Park, Hollofield area, shelter 301.
10) The NHC will be from 6/12 to 6/14. See http://www.ahaconference.org
11) MASHOUT will be held the 3rd weekend of August on a hop farm in Old Town MD (south of Cumberland). An announcement will be made in April.
12) This month we had the Iron Brewer competition, with each beer containing at least two of the following: rosemary, cucumber, and sour cherries. There were some interesting concoctions. Winners were:
- 5th place (tie): Craig Bryant
- 5th place (tie): John Jester
- 4th place: Trevor Rose
- 3rd place: Jason Heinen
- 2nd place: Greg Thompson
- 1st place: Judy Neff
13) Next meeting: Wednesday 4/16, 7:30 PM at Heavy Seas. Competition will be Scottish and Irish Ales, BJCP categories 9A to 9D.
14) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.