1) Thanks to Les for providing food.
2) Several CRABSters will be going to the National Homebrewers Conference in Grand Rapids next month.
3) Congrats to Glenn Quinting for making it past the first round in the National Homebrew Competition.
4) Congrats to Joe O’Keefe for getting a 2nd place at the Spirit of Free Beer, and Rob Farrell for getting *two* 1st places. See complete results at http://sofb.brewcomp.com
5) You might have seen an e-mail come around about an amateur brewing reality show that is trying to recruit passionate homebrewers. If you are interested on being featured, e-mail casting@part2pictures.com
6) Trevor will host the annual food/beer pairing on Sunday 6/1, noon to 6 PM. Go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PY8dTLQaQUFJYN_e-6Gl3vZJfuaqQDRIexdBtqS3xM4/edit to sign up and/or request a partner for your food or beer.
7) There will be a co-op in Catonsville with a storefront, produce, etc. There will be a beer tasting / fundraiser probably in early August. Go to http://www.catonsvillecooperativemarket.com for a list of upcoming events and other info, or e-mail Ben (not me) at blankben@hotmail.com
8) This month’s competition was porters. Winners were:
- 5th place: Mike Bodnar
- 4th place: Rick Croop
- 3rd place: Fritz Meijer
- 2nd place: Jarrod Salvastrini
- 1st place: Kevin Rimlinger
9) Next meeting: Wednesday 6/18. The competition will be session beers.
10) The July competition will be the same-grain-and-hop competition. See http://crabsbrew.org/same_grain_and_hops for the recipe.
11) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.
Upcoming events:
·Friday 5/30 – Sunday 6/7: Frederick Beer Week. See http://frederickbeer.com/
·Saturday 5/31: Maryland Craft Beer Fest in Frederick. See http://www.mdcraftbeerfestival.com
·Sunday 6/1: CRABS food/beer pairing.
·Saturday 6/7: Guild picnic. Patapsco Park, Hollofield area, shelter 301, noon-dusk. Wheat beer competition. Must be present to enter/win.
·Aug 14-16: MASHOUT. Tickets/website up in a few weeks. Featured will be a club collaboration contest: members of 2 or more clubs must brew the beer.
·Sunday 9/14: Crabs4CRABS.