1) Some new members this month.
2) Parenthetical note: there were 4 Bens there, including Joel’s son.
3) 2015 dues are due. $20 for individual and $35 for family to Don.
4) The Iron Brewer competition ingredients are hazelnut, dates, and coffee. Beers must contain at least two of them. Competition will be in June.
5) The April clone competition will be Kwak. See http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/202/635/
6) The 2015 competition schedule is at http://crabsbrew.org/2015_competition_schedule
7) The shirts are in. Contact Joe at jfo363@verizon.net if you ordered one.
8) The BJCP study group will start Sunday March 1 and go through May at MDHB. We have 2 slots. Email Les at fshcg@yahoo.com if you are interested. There will be no written exam because there is an online exam (sign up for a tasting exam at your convenience).
9) Max’s Belgian Beer Fest will be held February 13-16. Some details at http://www.maxs.com . The Admiral Fell Inn gives discounts for 2-night stays during the event.
10) BURP will do a pub crawl in Richmond on February 28. Initially open only to BURP members but open slots offered to others. Contact Jamie at Jamie@langlie.com for more info.
11) Big Brew will be on May 2 at MDHB.
12) The Guild picnic will be on June 6.
13) BURP’s Spirit of Free Beer will be in April. See http://brew.burp.org/Events/SpiritofFreeBeer.aspx
14) This month’s competition was brown ales. There were 11 entries. Winners were:
5th – JD Oltman
4th – Rob Kiernan
3rd – Ben Linton and Joel Gallihue
2nd – Craig Bryant
1st – Mike Stuppy
15) Next meeting: Wednesday 2/18. Competition will be English, Scottish and Irish.
16) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.