February 2015

1) Max’s was a great event as usual.  See http://www.benbrew.com/Maxs/2015/index.html for one Cross Street Irregular member’s perspective.
2) 2015 dues are due.  $20 for individual and $35 for family to Don.
3) MALT will be hosting a bus trip to places in Pennsylvania on March 21.  See http://maltclub.org/MALT/Bus_trip_2015.html for info.
4) Registration is open for the National Homebrewers Conference.  See http://www.ahaconference.org for info.  There will be a Social Package this year, but only for guests.  It gets you into everything except the seminars.  Some of us might want the Social Package instead of Full Conference (costs less).  If you plan to register for Full Conference, you might want to let everyone know so someone who wants only the Social Package can be registered as your "guest".
5) Registration is open for the DC Homebrewers’ Cherry Blossom Competition.  See http://blog.dchomebrewers.com for info.
6) FOAM will probably hold their annual Battle of the Bubbles but there is no info yet.  Their website is http://f‑o‑a‑m.org so you can check that periodically.
7) Wootown will probably hold their annual Barley Legal but there is no info yet.  Their website is http://www.wootown.org so you can check that periodically.
8) BURP’s Spirit of Free Beer will be in April.  See http://brew.burp.org/Events/SpiritofFreeBeer.aspx
9) Big Brew will be on May 2 at MDHB.
10) The Guild picnic will be on June 6.
11) MASHOUT will be on August 20-23.  This year Keg Row might be turned into a “crossroads”, possibly with a biergarten.
12) This month’s competition was English/Irish/Scottish.  There were 8 entries.  Winners were:
5th (tie) – Rob Farrell
5th (tie) – Joe O’Keefe
4th (tie) – Zach Keim
4th (tie) – Brian England
3rd – Craig Bryant 
2nd –Rob Kiernan
1st – Ed Shea
13) Next meeting: Wednesday 3/18.  Competition will be IPA.
14) Go to http://crabsbrew.org for CRABS-related information.  The 2015 CRABS competition schedule is at http://crabsbrew.org/2015_competition_schedule


February, 2015